High Quality Plating Solutions and Exhaust Air Technique
Approved Technique | Innovative Systems
GALVA-HP - High Performance Barrel made of PE 1000
Particularly designed for regular and long-term use. Completely butt-welded for more capacity due to higher volume.
How to save chemicals and rinsing water
A proven method to enhance the electrolyte exchange is the electrolyte injection directly into the plating barrel. In combination with an internal rinsing the displacement of bath media can be reduced at the same time.
New: Remote maintenance for exhaust air scrubbers AIRTOP
Just in case: Imagine the pH value measurement shows that the limit values have been exceeded - thanks to the optionally integrable remote maintenance gateway, we can connect if necessary - so that the system is fully available again as quickly as possible.
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ZYKLOTOP® - the droplet separator for energy saving
Thanks to its helix-shaped channel sections, the ZYKLOTOP® achieves a very high separation degree and saves around 20% energy compared to conventional droplet separators.
Our partners
We have several partnerships to represent our solutions worldwide.