Our history
Location: Leinfelden-Echterdingen (near Stuttgart)
Patents in the electroplating technology and in the exhaust air technique
1961 | Foundation of the Company by Richard Tscherwitschke Start of production in a barn at Echterdingen Production of glass-fibre reinforced vessels, turned parts made of plastic parts for the engineering industry First attempts in thermoplasts' processing and production of exhaust plants and tanks Introduction as a supplier for the electroplating industry |
1967 | Move into a new building with own design department |
1968 | First delivery programme with own plating barrels |
1970 | First export to international electroplating companies |
1974 | Extension of production surfaces by investment into a sidebuilding Introduction of mechanical butt welding of plating barrels - the outstanding product feature of our plating barrels |
1975 | Founding of Richard Tscherwitschke GmbH (a private limited company under German law) |
1982 | Extension of the company by purchase of an administrative building |
2001 | Further extension of the company |
2002 | Richard Tscherwitschke hands over the company management to his son, Andreas Tscherwitschke. |
2002 | DBU(German Environmental Foundation)-funded project about the reduction of energy consumption and the reduction in carrying away materials in barrel plating |
2003 | Prototype of a high performance barrel GALVA-R®. The testing at a large customer exceeds all expectations with regard to efficiency and savings potential for barrel plating. |
2005 | The brand product GALVA-XL® is developed from the prototype of the GALVA-R®. |
2011 | 50 years company anniversary |
2017 | The patented ZYKLOTOP® droplet separator is awarded with the Leipziger Galvanopreis. |
2017 | Introduction of a new drive solution for low displacement of bath media. |
2020 2022 |
Launch of the new high performance plating barrel GALVA-HP made of PE 1000. Rotation speed control intgrated in small plating units. |